Chekad Smart Home
We are here to make you advanced.
Experience the future now with us.
Chekad Smart Home was established in the field of construction industry in 2012 through the efforts made by several Iranian experienced professionals, with the aim of implementing industrial and building automation systems, optimizing energy consumption in official and residential complexes, making residential units smart, providing automatic parking garages, and designing and implementing industrial automation projects supported by professionals’ technical knowledge about designing and running these systems according to national requirements.
The company has continued its activities by establishing knowledge-based centers in the Faculties of Engineering by the help of Iranian professors and intelligent students, and thereby proceeded to design Smart Home and BMS knowledge-based equipment including different types of touch keys with various applications, relays required in smartization, innovative solutions to optimize power consumption in buildings, and innovative solutions for security systems of liquid fuel and CNG stations.
Fortunately, the company has succeeded to achieve these objectives and has increasing progress in its beginning years of activity. It also attempts to make its brand popular globally by manufacturing domestic products in the field of building and industrial automation.

Technical and engineering services:
1. Designing and implementing automation projects of commercial, official, and residential complexes(BMS)
2. Designing and implementing BMS projects of hotels, hospitals, sports complexes, and pharmacies
3. Making residential units smart
4. Designing and implementing parking lot management such as car navigation and automatic payment
5. Implementing energy management systems (EMS)
6. Designing and implementing industrial automation projects
7. Designing and implementing active energy loss reduction devices and reactive power compensators
8. Designing and implementing SCADA and telemetry systems
9. Designing and implementing CNG fuel station dispatch
10. Robot production lines
11. Designing and implementing industrial and building electrical installations
What we do here:



1. Full cooperation with designers and supervisors of Chekad Smart Home in all implementation stages (wiring, risers, the best location for installation, panels, etc.)
2. Making an economical design and modifying it by Chekad Smart Home Company during the implementation stage, so that it significantly reduces the employer’s costs.
3. No doubt that in case of cooperating with Chekad Smart Home Company for implementation, Chekad Smart Home is responsible for all tasks from design to execution.
Some of the Chekad Smart Home Company’s operational records include:
1. Implementing several parts of BMS project of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran
2. Implementing the fire alarm system (BMS) of Arm hypermarket in Tehran
3. Implementing BMS system and signal aggregation in Irancell cold boxes in Tehran and 10 other provinces
4. Implementing oil removal system in ShahidTondgouyan Oil Refinery in Tehran
Building smartization: Chekad Smart Home Company has various solutions for smartization of buildings in controlling and programming scenarios. Regarding hardware, the company has established knowledge-based centers using the capabilities of Iranian scientific elites, and thereby designed and constructed part of the smartization equipment in Iran and offered it to the market with its own brand. The company is a pioneer in this economic arena. Consumption controllers are made by TAPHOM Co. in Slovakia, which are fully professional with easy application. The equipment price of this manufacturer is competitive, and its mobile app is free.
TELETASK consumption controller made by Belgium is one of the European credible brands and has 40 years of experience in smartization.